Jeroen going over the colored architecture image again. I think the box “content/xml” is new.
DFC is Java and DFS is SOAP. Now REST is coming.
Syncplicity will find its way into different parts of the stack as a technology, not only a product.
IIG is now shooting for the hybrid cloud solution where EMC sees growth. What was called NGIS but it has been renamed (by marketing) to “SaaS solution”. Solutions that cross the boundries of the enterprise is the way EMC sees the world.
First integration with VIPR has been made on the SaaS solution but we can expect that coming to the Documentum platform as well.
Syncplicity can be the underpinning for the content flow between on-premise and SaaS solutions.
Enterprise Archiving Solutions (EAS). Promoted to be a full blown product but came from professional services. Based on xDB to provide a single archiving solution for both structured and unstructured content. Main use case is systems being decommissioned. Very expensive to keep these systems around for compliance reasons. EAS can maintain access to a lower cost. Also store inactive data from the production system in EAS and offload it.
Adopting OAIS Standard Framework from Open Archival Information Systems (ISO). Simulated 50 banks and 10 years of data. Transformed data in archiving buckets/packages. xDB stored each of these in a physical segment translating into a database file. Impressive scalability even with 100 000 segments. Argues that XML is a very future-proof format that easily can be readable in the future.
xMS – xCelerated Management System
Came into being when they started creating EMC OnDemand for Documentum. Needed a smarter way to deploy the platform. tcServer is the optimized for xMS. CLI tools that can be used with Maven or similar tools.xMS server also has a catalog that manages users etc.
Possible to utilize vMotion to spin up new VMs when workloads are heavy.
The performance improvements mentioned before was done using a DFC Test Utility that probably is available to customers.
xCP is more type intensive. Say from 50 to 500 types. Hence type caching optimizations.
D7 Security Enhancements
Unbreakable algorithms
25% faster transfers for metadata and small files
75% faster transfers for 100MB files
Encryption overhead reduced 93% (multiuser)
Core Documentum products ships with RSA certified algorithms.
Optional integration with RSA Data Protection Manager fir Remote Key Management. Encrypted content and electronic signatures can be verified using this.
In addition to that they are investing heavily into IRM. Seeing more requests for SAML on the Content Server side.
From an API perspective DFC will still be around. The three APIs are:
- Services: SOAP API (not restricted to HTTP protocol (applicable for Java/.Net)
- Resources: REST API
- CMIS Web Services API (does not implement RM or IRM)
The main forward strategy for IIG is REST. They are embracing Spring technology for REST such as Spring MVC REST and the Spring Marshalling Framework. Now it is a pure REST implementation (which the preview wasn’t) with JSON and XML representation.
Michael doing demo of REST using XCode on a Mac for an iPhone application. Surprisingly easy to develop – took 1 hour. Faster than DFS and DFC.
Syncplicity connector
Connectors available for Atmos and Isilon storage but also for Documentum.
Currently only push but push is on the roadmap. Syncplicity is the main technology to control how content leaves and enters the enterprise which includes security and encryption.
Dormant State
Michael highlights the Dormant States in D7 which allow applying upgrades without shutting the system down. Opens up for vApp Cloning and taking snapshots since the database in a nice mode with no changes possible. They have a long term approach to ease upgrading and Dormant state is one of them. Reduce the cost to move to new versions. It will block audit trails as well so if there are audits happening on read operations that will not work.
Documentum D2 is not using UCF – it is a Java applet.
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